
Never Forget A Face



2 Years
Extra large
04-30-2019, 11:24 AM

Sphinx Beaufort

Tucking her chin into her sisters embrace, Sphinx felt like for the first time in months she was warm and whole again. Family had always been of strong importance to her; it was the reason she had left to bring Peg home, so that their family could be together once more. But now that Medea was here as well.. perhaps... that wasn't the best plan. Brown tipped ear flattened against her crown hearing her sister scold Sphinx about leaving, about not leaving a note or telling anyone where she was going. Truthfully, she too felt bad about the whole ordeal, but there was no time and there was no way mother would have allowed her to leave if she made her intentions clear. "I hope one day they will forgive me." Her voice soft and tender as she dropped her gaze, memories of home swelling in her mind as she thought of the disappointment on her mother's face.

When Medea spoke of the horrors of home, her eyes would lift again, brows knitting together in confusion as her tale unfolded. Had home truly become so depressed? Was it her fault? "Oh Medea, I'm so sorry I left you there to deal with that all by yourself. It must've been truly awful." Though she could understand her sister's desire for space; Princess or not, females would always be viewed as fragile in their homeland, and only the women would know their true strengths. A soft smile would turn up the corners of her lips as she leaned back to truly look her sister in the eye. "You don't have to explain to me your desires, you know that I will always support you in your decisions, no matter what." In her heart she knew it to be true, Medea was her other half, there was nothing she could do that would tear apart her devotion.

Suddenly a thought popped into Sphinx's head, and her eyes widened as she placed a heavy paw on her sister's shoulder. "Wait, how long have you been here? Have you seen Peg? I still haven't found him and I'm so incredibly worried about him." The heir was her big brother, not only in size but in her heart. He always looked after Medea and her, always protecting and playing with them when they were younger. It was her belief that Ley had a mission for Pegasus; another path for him to follow, but that didn't mean Sphinx couldn't join him or support him! Desperately she searched her sisters ocean blue eyes, looking for any hint of discovery. If she was lucky enough to have found her sister, perhaps Medea would be lucky enough to have found Peg, and at last she could rest easy knowing her brother to be safe and sound.
