
I Can Lift You Up



2 Years
Dire wolf
04-30-2019, 01:25 PM

As Torin spoke he found himself distancing the inevitable truth as much as he was able. Surely the rapists by get had been an older litter?  Surely it was coincidence that his mother had been raped and he had told the gilded man that he was a product of rape? As  Torin laid out the truth bare Pegasus felt as though he had been dropped into a frozen lake. Célestin was one of them. For a moment he could only look at the silver alpha in awestruck horror. He had always been taught that a man’s blood was just as important as how they were nurtured. Would he continue to believe that now? He desperately wished he wouldn’t.

His mind combed over his interactions with the motley boy; how physical they had been, how close they had become. It matched the pervasive and beguiling nature his father had warned him about, but Célestin would never do that to him. Would He? No. He affirmed to

His mind reached back further to the day he found and comforted Célestin after a nasty fight with his brother. His own words echoed back to him then “You're...One of the best wolves I've ever met in my life actually...” Was that suddenly untrue now? He closed his eyes tightly, sucked in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, his eyes opening and meeting Torin’s Bi-colored gaze.

“This changes nothing. I swore I would never let any harm come to him. I meant it.” The firm assurance was just as much for himself as it was for the alpha. In spite of how deeply he hated the Abraxas he could not bring himself to hate Célestin, and would instead add the rainbow boy's pains and debts to the mounting vengeance he sought.

speaking Thinking   You