
Flip the Script

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-30-2019, 04:07 PM

Poem, who she hadn’t really acknowledged in the first few moments, appeared beside her. She spared a second to nudge her daughter in greeting, but her eyes were on the two puppies who had chosen to cause mischief this day.

Noir was quick to say they were simply playing, but that didn't cover the seriousness she had seen in the boy moments before, the anger. She hadn’t been able to see Tornadic’s face from her angle on approach, but she doubted he had held a smile.

That guest had a much different story to tell, and she was much more likely to believe him over the known bully that Noir could be. Still, for fairness, she looked to her bird companion who had been her witness. “Where they simply playing, Winter?” she asked, and her companion shook her head in response. Yes, Shaye thought that might be the answer.
“Was it all one side or did they both play a part?” the bird looked to Noir, and then to the guest. Hmm, she was hoping it had just been Noir.

“Noir, Tornadic is our guest, and you are to treat him with respect. Apologise to him, or you’ll be burying the off scraps in the kill pile for the rest of the day.” she informed him briskly. “Then, your going to be spending the day blowing steam learning stances with your father.” she shot Rhyme an apologetic expression, but knew her Alpha partner would be happy to take on the discipline of his son. “Tornadic, next time call for an adult instead of fighting fire with fire. Apologise to him, because I doubt Noir picked a fight all by himself, but i’ll see if you mother wants you doing chores for the day, since you are still a guest.” She couldn't tell of just one boy, she had to keep it fair.

"Talk" "You" Think


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