



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
04-30-2019, 06:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2019, 06:30 PM by Archon.)
Archon hadn't heard his family members as they addressed him. He was focused, steadfast. He did hear the other alpha as he dabbled on some nonsense about claiming and packs and for the love of God all these wolves were so obsessed with their claiming that Archon did, for a moment consider making a pack just to claim it.

Honestly this lispy dude was talking so much Archon was surprised he wasn't foaming from the mouth yet. Archon made an attempt to follow whatever word-vomit he was saying. At this rate he was beginning to think that maybe all alphas were a little crazy.

"Maybe I would," Archon said. "Isn't that the threat of bands? But there's not a big difference from bands and packs, really. Maybe I would craft a pack to make my claim, or maybe I'd just defend it from claim in whatever way I could. Do you expect me to give something so precious up just because some mortal with a piss-boundary wants it?"

No, he wouldn't.

"Of course you couldn't understand- you haven't heard his divine call nor basked in his presence- which is exactly why the shrine should be free of packs."

Tyranis couldn't understand any type of devotion either- Archon knew that. His own packmates were ready to turn on him as was evident from his past challenge.

"Unlike you, I don't need to own something to feel powerful and important," Archon said. "God's divine land should belong to no band and no pack. It should be a free space for God to call his followers and those that seek him."

Tyranis tried to back his way out of the fight. Well, Archon expected that much. It was evident that this man had no issues having his lackeys fight for him until he realized that their loyalties fell elsewhere.

"If it doesn't scare you, why do you find every reason to try to escape instead of trying to handle it like a man. You retreat back to your pack unless its absolutely mandatory that you show up."

If Ty scarred Archon... what would it matter if it was a scar for God? If it was the only one or one of many he got in the name of God, then it would be an honor.

"Please, feel free to keep walking away again. You're pack has already seen that you're a coward unless cornered."

He turned to look at the toothy boy who spoke so... passionately earlier.

"And what about you?"