



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-30-2019, 07:48 PM

speech Thought You

His attention had been pulled to the fight, watching as the fight went on. Heart pounded against his chest, the male practically sitting on the edge of his seat. His brother was fighting hard to defend his title and the pack he worked so hard to create, and in the end...he succeeded! Cloud let go of the breath he hadn't been aware he was holding until that moment when the traitor fell away and his brother won! But it appeared it wasn't quite over yet. Despite his brother's obvious victory, the lunatic god chaser appeared to want to fight Tyranis. Cloud's eyes narrowed, hackles rising as he prepared to leap at the man. His brother had won fair and square, and yet this heathen decided he wanted to fight right after his brother had just spent his energy doing just that while god fart sat back on his ass.

Cloud remained quiet for the moment because it didn't take long for Legion's alpha to speak up. Cloud agreed with him wholeheartedly, even despite their packs not being friends, but that didn't matter. The male had someone else fight for him instead to try and lay claim to a land he would never be able to claim. And yet, even with that knowledge, the band leader still dared to claim that it was a place of God and blah blah blah. Cloud found himself rolling his eyes. This guy was truly nuts! All that shit just because his imaginary friend told him to. And now it seemed he was trying to force his religious beliefs down everyone's throat and couldn't just shut the fuck up about it. If this guy thought this entire ploy to get others to believe in this 'god' would work in his favor...he was clearly mistaken.

Cloud wanted nothing to do with that shit. And had it been presented to him in the past, he might have considered it. But no way in hell would he ever think about it now. This guy was just a petty religious nut case, and nothing more. At his brother's motion, Cloud stood and nodded a farewell to his sister before moving to his brother's side. "You fought well, Ty." He brushed his shoulder against Ty's, "I think we should celebrate your victory, you've earned it." He mused, a small grin tugging at his lips. He would get Thora to help him hunt something down for a feast.

-Exit with Ty-