
Just another day



9 Years
Dragon Mod
05-01-2019, 11:44 PM

Well, her day had been a total shitstorm. She returned to Kesali full of cuts and bruises both mild and severe. She had tried to hunt, but her prey had run into the Gambit Briar and she being too prideful to give up the chase ended up chasing the rabbit right in. It had been all for nothing, however. All she managed to get was hurt on the way in, and even more so on the way out. Her skin stung from the thorns scratching across her body, her fur was tangled and messy with thorns still stuck to her. She was bleeding. She was hurt. And she was in a really bad mood.

Of course, it didn't help when Rhavaniel decided to laugh at her for being stupid enough to chase the rabbit into that tangled mess. She regretted it big time, and all she wanted to do was crawl into her den and forget it ever happened. But her paws hurt from the thorns stuck in them that she had been unable to get out...and she was too pissed with Rhava to let her help. So instead, she painfully limped home and into pack lands. In a slow attempt to get to her den.

What she didn't count on was someone being around as she trudged by. But she didn't notice because all she cared about and focused on was getting to that water. She neared the stream that cut through the land and Holly decided she needed to rest here. Ungracefully, she slipped down onto her stomach and into the water, looking even more a mess but she didn't care. The water felf soothing on her stinging wounds, and so she closed her eyes and let loose a sigh.

"Too bad we almost made it."


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