
Sometimes There Is Honor In Revenge



7 Years
05-02-2019, 07:23 AM

He was young and experience was lacking; he was a chil,d a foolish and petulant child that never had to see past the web of lies his subordinates displayed but this, this was the real world and she was living in it, for now her was just as admirer. He wanted to strive? To build his own palace? To surround himself by various individuals kissing the ground he walks upon? Boy, does he have it coming. The fantasies of a boy that has yet to hit puberty.
Loyality is a two way path, if I ask for yours than you have mine. her succulent, full lips parted to allow the suave word leave her foreign tongue; sensual, soft as the air that stood between them, ruffling her autumn locks of hair, cascading like waves over her slender, feline-like frame. You bargain with what you do not posses, brother. she took her time to scent him properly, there was a distinctive male scent mixed with his own however the vixen could not spot any other perfume of blood relatives of his own. When the time comes that you will hold the right cards between your fangs for it then and only then we will have this discussion again. the ghost of a smile graced her beautiful visage. Pleasantries and courtesy and the back of her mind in order to entertain her little brother if nothing else. A not so pleasant encounter has turned into negotations and she was less than joyful to further continue it. Impudent children need to learn on their own just how scary this world can be without someone guiding them. It was time to return to her obligations and responsabilities. She left him with that thought to ponder on as she turned on her heels to depart from the brute.



Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together