
where do we go now



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
05-03-2019, 08:41 PM
The silence that engulfed her felt daunting, even as Geoffrey slowly appeared and bumped her lightly with his shoulder. It was hard to shake the feeling of being alone, even in the company of her siblings. She wasn't surprised when Cairo appeared, followed by Viviane, but she hadn't expected him to answer her question. She turned her head to eye him curiously, blinking slowly as she reclined backwards onto unsteady haunches. He spoke up quickly, though she'd been directing the question to Artur, and though she hadn't known what to expect... she felt no less helpless by the end of his words. Of course they had to carry on their family's legacy. Of course they could stay together or not. Cairo, quite unsurprisingly, said he was going to stay.

Leaving had never really crossed her mind. Not that she was steadfast set on staying, either - her grief was too fresh and raw to dwell on things quite like this yet. Was she the only one feeling this way? Briefly she eyed Artur, her brow furrowing, before her gaze fell to the earth below them. He spoke up not long after, and the icy cold in his tones surprised her and made her breath hitch in her throat. The way he spoke of Aurielle made her shift uncomfortably, though she maintained her steady silence. Her gaze only lifted when he spoke an answer to her question. They'd look out for one another, because no one else would. She nodded grimly, dwelling on his words as he added a few last quiet sentiments.

He spoke more honestly than she would have, but he didn't disagree. She didn't disagree with Cairo though, either. Slowly she lifted her own voice, speaking to no one in particular either. "Mother gave these lands, and this pack, everything," she started quietly. "Sometimes I wonder if she gave too much, and if she hadn't been so selfless if she'd still be here." In her final days Gwenevere had lamented on not spending more time with her children and rightfully preparing them for adulthood. She didn't blame her mother, but instead the circumstances. Caelia's voice cracked as she spoke, but she didn't cry. She hardly processed their loss yet, and saying it out loud felt like she was speaking some foreign tongue. "If we give everything we have to give, will the same happen to us eventually?" Caelia honestly had no clue, but the thought of working effortlessly toward death seemed equally as terrifying and stepping foot into the unknown.