

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-03-2019, 11:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2021, 06:30 PM by Theory. Edited 1 time in total.)
[Abaven]Abaven News Board[/Abaven]

Look here for news big and small, some of which will be repeated in pack meetings. This will essentially by an IC news hub of information shared within the pack. It is not always feasible to make a thread for every little thing. Any information listed here is common knowledge for the pack.

current news

Spring - Year 16
Winter - Year 15
  • A message arrives from the north! Winterfell has fallen in a coup. Blood hasn't been spilled... yet. Abaven warriors are instructed to prepare for the coming turbulence.

Fall - Year 15
  • Pack meeting! New ranks assigned! Special guests! And... an interloper appears?

Summer - Year 15

old news by year

Fall - Year 14
Summer - Year 14
  • Abaven wolves are encouraged to attend the Winterfell festival and tournament. Any wolves under the age of 1 are welcome to say they attended with Theory.
  • To celebrate Poem's safe return home, Theory is hosting a feast for everyone in the pack. Find the feast here on Ibis Islands!
  • Raid preparation and group fight training here. Mandatory reply for all warriors due 2/22, or they will be stripped of their warrior rank.
  • Watch out! Winterfell is coming!
  • Poem and Motif have returned safely to Abaven after spending time held by the Ashen Armada.

Spring - Year 14
  • Shaye and Odysseus have died caught in an earthquake as a result of the eruption
  • Abaven has relocated to Serpent Plains, Ibis Islands, and Fontamo Bay in the face of the lingering effects of the volcano
  • Spring meeting hosted here. IC posts required by November 29th in order to maintain your rank
  • Spring meeting has ended - please DM Xarae on Discord or message Theory's account to reclaim your rank

Spring - Year 13
  • Shaye has advised the pack to keep an eye out for Spider and Tana who have gone missing from within the pack
  • A new Beta rank (known as Rosaceae) has become available, wolves interested in the roll can speak to Shaye
  • Brandr & Allegro have been promoted to Drosera. A hunters meeting will be called shortly
  • Epitaph has been promoted to Baldrian
  • Poem has become the pack heir
  • Corvus has been promoted to Blackthorn
  • Tana (found) will be moving to Acere's pack

Summer - Year 13
  • A lioness is joining on probation and can be found in rustling Thicket
  • Caelestis and Rhea are missing
  • Fire in Abaven's Rustling Thicket! Storm has died as a result of the fire, many have suffered fire-related injuries

Autumn - Year 13
  • Tana has been savaged by a mountain lion and died
  • The Rustling Thicket has begun to grow
  • Motif is missing
  • Rhyme steps down as alpha and Poem steps down as heir to search for Motif
  • Theory is announced as heir

Winter - Year 13
  • Theory steps up to secondary alpha
  • BOOM! Mount Volkan erupts! Gather here for pack meeting
  • Abaven has relocated to nearby Ibis Islands in the face of the eruption.
  • Shaye has stepped down as alpha to share a beta rank with Rhyme.

Old Pack History
  • Bass started Abaven in Winter of Year 2; there was a war during that time - we won.
  • Vali took over temporarily after Bass left.
  • Sparrow took over the pack in Autumn, Year 10.
  • The Abraxas Occupation began in Winter, Year 11.
  • Shaye became leader in Summer, Year 12, ending the occupation


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.