
doin some healin



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
05-04-2019, 06:04 PM

"From what I know, the flowers as well as the leaves can both be used," Asvor explained briefly as the two of them moved on to focus on the chamomile. What had she heard about it? Hmm. She cocked her head briefly to the side as she tried to recall what she knew.  "Mostly what you said first. That it's useful for anxiety and inducing relaxation." Other herbs had similar uses, but.. different side effects, particularly the recreational types, and she knew not all were favorable.

A slight smile tugged at her lips at Delaney's words.  "Some are dangerous to experiment with, and if you don't have a good teacher.. well, the results can be.. interesting." Briefly she thought back to the few times she'd consumed too much of a psychedelic plant, and what the effects had been - enlightenment and visions from the gods, of course, but with it came a loss of self-control that could be alarming. "One useful herb I've found growing around here is called cannabis. It's good for helping manage pain, and stimulating appetite, but it does have psychoactive effects.."

Asvor's words trailed off as she abandoned their patch of chamomile to sniff at the air. Luckily enough, a small cluster of wild cannabis was growing not far from where they stood, only a few dozen yards away. She made a metal note of where they'd laid their herbs earlier, letting out a bark to signal Delaney to join her, if she hadn't started this way already.  "Luckily, the only real effects of consuming too much are that you might get lethargic and fall asleep, but I'd suggest you experiment with it yourself if you want to see," Asvor grinned, slightly amused at the thought. Might as well grab some for myself too, she thought to herself as she set out to gather a small bunch to bring back to her den.