
Little Warrior

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-04-2019, 07:21 PM

Nothing showed pure joy quite like a pup. With her little girl wagging a furiously happy tail and looking like she was about ready to bounce off the walls. She had a feeling she had lost her attention for the day until the novelty wore off, but her little one somehow managed to pull her attention back to Shaye. The Alpha saw when her daughters eyes refocused, no doubt finishing off all the plans for how she was about to cause trouble with her newfound freedom…

Her words where said with hesitance, as though she wasn’t completely certain how her answers would be received, but Shaye paused in her walking to lean down and offer the girl a gentle kiss. “Those answers are perfect.” she said, very close to, if not exact, to what Shaye herself was thinking. Leaving off her own examples, she was happy to seize Poem’s and explain them. To show the girl how Shaye approved of her input.

“Right, so we need food to live, so we need a structure in place for food. We need hunters, a kill pile. We need to know what wolves cant hunt for themselves and need delivery - weather that's because they’ve just given birth to a litter, are old and frail, or injured.” she explained.

“Water in some cases aligns a little with territory, choosing the right environment to thrive. Abaven has an abunst source of water, so long as we are careful not to pollute it. We keep out kill pile far from our water source. But for territory - holding a territory is just as important as finding one. For that we need warriors, who guard and patrol the territory, leaving scent markings and keeping an eye out for danger.”

She would go on to say, before bringing her explanations to a conclusion, a reason. “So just from those few examples you can see that there's a lot more that needs to happen just to keep one thing running. This is why numbers is important. An Alpha must always know when to delegate responsibilities. To have wolves in power, wolves to keep an eye on the hunters, so they know how often a certain area is being hunted in, and moving it often so we don't decimate out prey’s numbers. A warrior in control to set up routines and patrols. Well an Alpha needs to know what's happening in the pack, you always need a wolf that specializes in a field to be in charge of that field. Does that make sense?” she wondered how much of her lecture got through to the excited girl.

"Talk" "You" Think


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