
Do I have to be reminded of what I can do?


07-16-2013, 06:29 PM
The brute lay there as he gave into sleep. His breath became relaxed and was set to a soft, slow, and steady pace. In and out did he breath. The oxygen that he took in had fueled his body for four years now, and it will continue for many more. Thane opened his eyes and looked up towards the sky in reaction to something wet hitting his nose. There was a white dot on his nose that melted as soon as it hit his fur. Snow, he could see it falling from the sky. No question was given or answered. All he did was stand up without pain in his broken leg at all. He could even move it! White lines ears perked up as the male watched Cyril fly back. The eagle only smiled as he perched on Thane's shoulders. Spreading his wings did Cyril then look at his master. Aqua blue eyes met golden as Thane spread his own wings. Those of a golden eagle, just like Cyril's. he smiled as he and his friend flew up into the sky and flew as it snowed. His dark fur had accumulated many white dots as the snow gathered on him. Soon enough there wasn't a black hair left to be seen on him. White was his fur and he sort of looked like either Hureia or their mother. A shiver ran down the man's back as he then landed on a cliff. Before the brute knew it he was falling again. He felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach before hearing a voice Excuse themselves and say hello.

Thane stirred as he was awaken from his odd dream. The male kept his eyes closed as he waited a few moments. The voice came up again, this time introducing what sounded like a he, so himself as Augustus. By the sound of the voice this Augustus sounded young and was sitting right in front of Thane. Then did Augustus ask in surprise if his name was Thane. This made the man's eyebrows furrow a bit. White lines ears perked up as the brute slowly opened his eyes. Aqua blue eyes settled on a rather young brute. He could see tufts of puppy fur sticking out of an adult coat. Something about this Augustus caught the wolf's eye. He looked like someone he had seen before. But ThNe couldn't quite put his claw on it. With a small shrug the male lifted his head before replying.

" name is Thane Tsarev. You don't smell of this pack or any other. It isn't very wise to wander into a pack's boundaries without permission or an invitation kid. But now that you're here I'll talk to you. I'm not going anywhere anyway."

With a grunt the wolf lifted up his upper body and sat on his haunches with the broken leg still on it's side. Pain shot up his back left leg once more but then went down to a throb. It took a few moments for him to get up but it was nice to sit upright again.

"And if I may ask Augustus, how do you know my name? And where are your parents? I'm sure they would be worried sick about you being here. I know I would if one of my own children wandered off without notice at their age." he said calmly as his aqua blue gaze settled on the young brute.

Thane looked at Augustus and wondered where he had come from. By the looks of it he was a bit skinny; probably having trouble catching his own food. Then this made the man wonder if this boy even had parents. With a sigh he sat there awaiting an answer.