
When you hit the Brick wall of Life


05-05-2019, 06:40 PM
*Note: This thread takes place directly close to Kesali's borders

It had been a little over a week now since she had been on her own and things were beginning to wear her down. Finding food was difficult, the small pup had been scavenging and there was never a guarantee she would get something. It had been days now since she had anything to eat and she was starving, her stomach giving her a constant reminder of how hungry she was. She was alone which was also weighing on her, missing her mother and her siblings. Without having them or a den to sleep in she didn't get much sleep, constantly kept awake by strange sounds and the anxiety of that cougar finding her and killing her as well. Today had been a bad day for her. Lack of sleep, starving, and utterly frustrated at her situation along with being emotional left her little form a heaping mess. To top it off a storm was coming and it already had begun to rain.

She was quickly soaked and had tried to take cover in some brush, but was quickly cold from being wet. Shivering she curled tighter and tighter, but she couldn't help but let her emotions finally spill over. She was miserable and with the added frustration she began to cry. Everything today was so overwhelming and it just broke her down. She wanted so badly to be with her mother and siblings again. To be in a nice warm den cuddled up to all the warm forms of her family. To have food being brought to her and have meals regularly once again. She had none of that and to top it off she was scared of this very large world. She would whine and hide her face under her paws as she cried the distant rumble of thunder making her more scared of where she would go tonight.
