
Help I've climbed up and can't get down



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
05-05-2019, 06:55 PM

If she had to think back on it Samara wasn't actually sure how she got up here; but as she peered over the edge of the boulder, to look down at the water lapping at the boulder she managed to strand herself on. Great! Just great. The tiny woman was already having one heck of a day. She'd stumbled upon this continent only a short time ago and while she'd picked up the faded scents of her siblings she hadn't managed to track any to the scents to their owners, eventually losing them all. So that had been a failure and all that walking had set her joints to aching.

The woman had almost just totally given up when she'd gotten lost in the desert chasing Deathbelle's scent. Her short limbs making travel over the sands very very hard and the insufferable heat of the day not helping her sensitive joints. So when she'd found the lake Samara had been a bit too overwhelmed by her sudden relief.

She'd somehow managed to drag herself up to the top of the rock in the center of the lake, after quenching her thirst of course. Then she'd taken a short nap, allowing her swollen joints time to recoup. Now that she was awake though? Well she'd managed to totally get herself stuck, the drop into the lake was too high for the tiny woman and considering she wasn't totally sure how deep the lake was she wasn't sure she'd want to risk it anyways.

Samara settled on her haunches, breathing a huffy sigh and cast her gaze around half-heartedly unsure what she could even do.


[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.