
Lemon Boy



7 Years
Extra large
05-06-2019, 01:12 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 07:08 PM by Torin.)

It wouldn't take too long for the form of his father to appear on tbe horizon and as it did Torin found himself filled with doubt. What if his father didn't care? What if he wanted nothing to do with his children? Some part of him was furiously yelling that of that was the case then that would be Zell's loss, his children would be fantastic! But another part of him couldn't help but imagine tiny forms with faces he couldn't even yet imagine rolling on the ground with his father, giggling and smiling and Torin realized in that moment all he wanted was for his kids to know and love their grandfather. They'd likely never know Faite and he couldn't stand the idea of Zell also being absent in their lives either.

Still he couldn't help the thrill of excitement that ran through him as he closed the gap. He was too enthused to notice the way his father's one eye didn't seem to focus on him quite right and he'd seen the scar before so for the moment Zell's diminished eyesight went unnoticed. Zell spoke and Torin tried and failed to suppress his grin.

"I have news." He began, his excitement clear in his tone. "I haven't told anyone else yet, so you're going to be the first to know... aside from myself... oh and Derecho... obviously." Gods he was rambling! He'd never rambled quite like this before. Torin took a deep breath managing to calm his nervous energy and when he looked back up at Zell his gaze was steady and intent. "You're going to be a grandfather." He let the information settle there for a moment, allowing it to sink in. "Derecho told me just a bit ago... she's pregnant." His face split into a grin again as he remembered the moment she'd shared the news. "Please uh... don't tell anyone yet."

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Hagon
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3