
Do I have to be reminded of what I can do?


07-16-2013, 06:51 PM
Moments passed without an answer. The boy quietly sat on his hunched with his white gaze fixated on the Bruce's face. He was waiting for him to open his eyes...and eventually..he did! Auggie looked on as he watched the eyelids pull back to reveal aqua blue eyes, the same ones f his mother. The boy wagged his tail in excitement, this had to be his Uncle Thane! And yet, the man before him even confirmed it! He said he was Thane Tsarev, and that it wasn't wise for him to wander into the boundaries. And then he said something about talking cause he wasn't going anywhere. He wouldn't be go anywhere?

It wasn't long before Thane struggled to sit upright with a pained grunt. Augustus then remembered the odd position the leg was in, it must be broken.

"Oh no you don't have to-.....sit up" he said before cutting off and finishing his sentence; while looking at the upright brute beside him.

Then did the make's maws open once more and ask him how he knew his name and where his parents were. Black ears pinned against the young Bruce's head for a moment before hearing his Uncle Thane say that he himself would be worried if one of his own children would wander off like he did. Those must be his cousins he was talking about. His Aunt Loccian was right! But now this meant he had another place to stay....Yet Auggie knew where he wanted to stay. There was no question to that.

"Well I'm mighty sorry sir for intruding or passing the boundaries. I'll be more careful next time, I promise. And I know your name from my mother. She used to tell stories about you. They would be such great and valiant stories sir. And my parents? My father is dead and I've never met him before. And as for my mother she left me when I was a pup. I still don't really know why but I was sickly at the time. And my mother mother" he said before stopping mid-sentence.

Augustus feared for some reason that his uncle would be upset by the thought that his mother was his sister. Auggie didn't know why he thought that but he was scared to say her name. Black ears pinned against the yearling's head as he looked up at his Uncle. Augustus' white gaze looked into Thane's aqua blue and never broke the contact. After a moment he looked away and stared at his paws.