
Know your basics; Healing

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-06-2019, 05:49 PM

She didn’t expect a great deal of it to stick, and knew she would have to make her point of teamwork in different ways. Poem was young yet, and would gain a better insight to the structure of the pack as she grew. She would be raised to this, know it from day one, and would be much more prepared then either she or Rhyme had been when they had taken on the mantle.

She certainly had the enthusiasm, and Shaye couldn’t help but laugh at each excited tail way and exclamation her daughter made. She wanted to stop and shower Poem in kisses, to playfight with her here and throw her in the air from her belly. However, it wasn’t playtime, and she kept herself a touch stern as she smiled back at her daughter. “And your going to make an amazing leader” her gentle voice was proud.

“Through the course of the next few weeks, i’m going to talk to you about leadership, and then give you tasks in each job within Abaven, so you understand each roll in the pack. Today we are going to start with healing.” she explained to her young daughter.

And instead of doing so herself, she would bring Vail in, who was far more specialised in healing then she was. She hoped she could install in Poem a respect for each roll. “You know where the herb garden is, right?” she asked her daughter, indicating for her to take the lead.

"Talk" "You" Think


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