
Gentle Mother

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-06-2019, 06:48 PM
Shaye made fast past to The Orchard, avoiding stepping too close to pack territory as she did so. She glanced towards the Range, through she couldn’t see far into the territory from her vantage point. She knew things were strained, terribly so, between Rhyme and Rhythm at the moment. Her Alpha companion had wanted to march straight to Legion and challenge for his mother. She had managed to convince him it would be like putting her back into slavery, but it had been a close thing.

She hadn’t see Rhythm in a while, and she missed the motherly figure in her life, so she could only imagine how painful it must be for Rhyme. But then, his mother was alive. she had to choke back that thought, it hurt too much to dwell on.

She raised her head and called for her Aunt, through she wasn’t certain if Rhythm would hear her, or is she would respond. Would she think meeting with anyone in Abaven would be a bad idea about now? It was entirely possible, but Shaye hoped she came anyway.

She greatly wished to speak to the woman, and she had spoken to her gentle little tree swallow, Feather, and they had decided something together. As an Alpha, Shaye was too active, constantly moving, and her little, gentle hearted companion could never keep up. She wanted somewhere warm to doze, gentle companionship, a peaceful place to retire. The thing was, she also had a feeling Rhythm would benefit from having a seeing-eye companion, as well as being an easier wolf to keep up with then Shaye. The gesture was more then just retirement for the bird, it gave Rhythm an easy way to reach out to Shaye, and, if either so desired, Rhyme as well.


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