
Something something something Law & Order DUN DUN



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6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020
05-06-2019, 10:41 PM
Viv had been surprised, when Artur brushed by her earlier, for him to quickly murmur instructions in her ear, telling her to meet him at the lake, and to go a specific route at a certain time. It wasnt like him to be so secretive. Well, it was, but not like this. Usually it was just keeping secrets, not this... sneaking around. Even when he had dragged them to the battlefield it had been relatively open, except for not telling Cairo or any of the adults. They'd all left openly and traveled together. So why was Artur being so sneaky and all now? It made Viv uneasy, but she couldn't deny that she felt the draw of curiosity. If she didnt meet with him then he would never tell her, and she would get eaten up with wanting to know. So after a great deal of arguing with herself she had finally mustered up the determination to cross the border and take the route she was supposed to. She thought she was late, but was surprised to see that only Artur and Geo were there. Artur never wanted to invite Cairo - he thought Cairo was a tattletale though Viv thought it was probably just that Cairo didnt like to do what Artur wanted to do - but he had never left Caelia out of something before. And she was the brave one, much braver than Viv. Why would he pick Viv and Geo but not her? Confused but burning with curiosity, she sat down next to Geo and tilted her head to the side, blinking at Artur. "You arent going to make us go to the battlefield again, are you?" she questioned with wary concern as it crossed her mind. "I really didnt like it there...." She trailed off uncertainly, not particularly wanting to cause an argument but also really not wanting to go there again.