



2 Years
05-07-2019, 12:05 AM
The cold from the frozen landscape began to nip at the young pup's hide. She was alone with no one but her wits and her mind to help her through this. With her family being gone, the young child was unaware of what troubles lurked within this strange land that she just so happened to wander into. Dual-colored eyes of blue and yellow focused heavily on the land, her small paws crunching against the snow as she tried to stay above it, being rather small than other pups her age.

She tried her best to focus heavily on what was around her, but, only the vast snow happened to catch the canine's attention, causing her ears to droop slightly. However, she always was told to stay calm, even if mother nature or some other danger is breathing down your spine, so the young pup took a deep breath and continued onward, focusing on her breathing as well as possible landmarks.

After what felt like an eternity, Altair happened to see a rather large structure off in the distance, her cranium tilted slightly in curiosity. The structure was rather large, snow and ice surrounding it as it stayed still, not moving from its spot. Was it an enemy, something that could swallow a small wolf like herself up in a second flat? Those were questions that she had to figure out for herself. Altair loved to learn and figure out things herself, so, perhaps this would be a new experience for her if she lived to tell the tale.

Her paws stepped onto the floor as she walked inside, the wood creaking from her weight. So far so good, the alabaster dame stepped further inside. The smell was unlike anything she had witnessed before. Some plants and other objects the child hadn't seen before caught her attention, her fur brushing against an iron door as the foreign and cold object made her skin crawl, causing her pace to increase a little more. There was a room a small distance away from where she was, a small bed catching her attention. Though she was unsure what it was, it did seem rather...comfy. She jumped onto it, scratching her paws onto the blanket that still covered the bed, age caused it to be rather messy, but she didn't care. At least it offered some sort of warmth for her and a place to lie down as she rested her head on her paws to sleep the night away. She wasn't sure what tomorrow held for her, but, for now, this seemed like a nice temporary home for a curious pup.