
Muscle to muscle, toe to toe


07-23-2013, 06:49 PM

The ruins around him continued to grow even more as they strolled into it?s depths, each enormous, lost, structures where covered in the webs of the overgrowth that twisted in turned, flourishing throughout their makeshift home, quite comfortable. His mind was more at ease now, as he hadn?t detected any change in her stance, or make any attempts to attack him, he was grateful that she had come clean with her duty, to save him form walking into a blood messy, that he?d rather not see. It was obvious that she trusted him, to some extend he could honestly say he?d felt so important, even if he was a rogue and could very well spill her actions out to any pack of his choosing, for his own personal greed, she respected him, and he would do well not to take her faith in him for granted. Once more, she speaks again, bring to light that he had been asking a lot of questions this entire time, to which he gives a sheepish smile, and a low chuckle, sometimes he just couldn?t control himself, the outsider was still growing accustomed to this place, taking the time to learn about the civilians before making this place a home for himself as well.

?Oh, uh.. sorry ?bout that it?s a habit.? Crimzen replies rather bashfully, keeping his chuckle in his chest, noticing her small tease of his constant questioning, when the woman before him slowed her pace, he regained his position beside her, turning his gaze to her as she basically pressed him to ask her questions that pertained to her job. All within reason of course. Ruby eyes blinked at her quite surprised she had interested in hearing what his mind was stirring,?Hm..? The man hums for a moment as she finishes speaking, normally, he would be loaded with ideas, however, it never occurred to him that he would have such a dark subject. Moreso having the chance to ask an Assassin, about their daily tasks, came as a surprise to him, still, he was the type to go with the flow, and make do with what he had to keep things simple. Finally, getting an idea, he voices his mind, keeping his voice low, with their surroundings in mind, along with the privacy,
" did you prepare yourself for this? Did you get any training?" Crimzen inquires, wondering if she had always had a skill in killing since she was born, or was she molded into it, allowing the silence to creep again, he awaited her response. Nearly blurting out how many had she killed already, instead, he was reminded to keep the questioning reasonable, besides, he doubted she knew. Giving the fact that she wasn't boosting about it.
