
Hand in hand



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-07-2019, 05:33 PM

speech Thought You

Cloud trailed behind his brother a little until they got to Abaven's borders. He took a seat beside him as he listened to Shaye, his ears pulling back slightly. It seemed she still intended in some form, to keep her nose in business where it didn't belong. It wasn't nor shouldn't be her decision or call on what happened to his brothers children. His nieces and nephews. He sat quiet for a moment, noting his brother decided not to say anything. And it wasn't until Leera spoke that he summoned his voice.

"Given the circumstances, I don't blame my brother for not speaking right away." Tyranis had been stripped of his children for what felt like longer than a couple of weeks, after all. While Leera kept custody of them. It wasn't fair for his brother to have to suffer the consequences for the actions of others, and Cloud had had enough of this. Despite his usual attitude of letting his brother take the reigns, he couldn't stand by anymore.

His gaze turned to Shaye then, "As per Erovrare's laws, children born to the pack are to remain in the pack. It isn't fair to force them to go back and forth every week for the next three seasons. And to me, it doesn't seem like you're thinking about how this might affect them, or whether they even want to be in Abaven." He had found Theta outside of Abaven during the two weeks, and she had been clearly displeased with being forced to stay there. His niece had even told him she practically hated it there...and it was likely that some of her siblings might feel the same way.

"These affairs shouldn't have concerned you, but since my uncle is a part of your pack, here we are. For what reasons he sought to challenge for them in the first place, I don't know. But to attempt to force an agreement on your terms isn't right." Shaye could argue with him all day if she chose, but the truth of the matter was she really didn't have a say in what happened to them. He supposed if they had to challenge for them, they would. But their supposed goal was to handle this peacefully...