
Crazy Aunt



3 Years
05-08-2019, 01:50 AM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2019, 01:52 AM by Cordelia.)
A low growl escaped the foul witch jaws. Her brother never mentioned them? Has he mentioned anyone from his family? She shook her cranium once. She shook her cranium twice. She collected her self momentarly.

Your papa never mentioned me?

The growl threatened to rose towards the surface once again but this time she got it together in time to stop it from erupting between her canines and instead she stared down at the pups -- was that the hint of a smirk? She could not tell but her heart was exploding with the delight she received for making the spawns terrified of her.

I am Cordelia Klein. Klein as in your father. she felt pride running through her veins each and every single time she prounced her family name, their legacy deep within her memory.

Hannibal mentioned the spawns he sired with the serpent that managed to get her way inside his bed but until now, until she saw the living and breathing creatures, she thought it was impossible. She was conflicted -- either to hate them due to their mother or to be proud that her brother, Klein King managed to produce healthy spawns to continue their line. It was not an easy choice until a thought crashed into her and hit her like thunder. Lighting into a million sparks every single neuron.

What are your names? she demanded, a scowl permanently staining her face. Did the bitch dared to share the names? Did she had the audacity to taint them with her name and was her brother stupid enough to accept such atrocity? Your names, creatures! she demanded within the next minute, growing desperate. She was not good at this babystting shit.


Thou shall perish

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.