
Swords Dance

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-08-2019, 11:07 AM

Both wolves were going into the fight with a grin on their features, this was the part of battle Rhyme could enjoy. He wasn’t fighting for his life, just having a bit of fun with a man he respected. ”May the best man win!” Rhyme nodded as Acere jumped into battle.

Rhyme’s weight was distributed evenly over all four of his icy white paws as he bent his joints and prepared himself for Acere’s assault. The man was bigger and heavier than Rhyme, and the alpha was eager to make his own use of that fact. He couldn’t allow himself to get hit was the main goal. His senses were sharp and his movements quick, as Rhyme shifted himself (to his right) to barely miss the alabaster behemoth’s shoulder Solitude unfurled his wings.

Rhyme’s movement caused Acere’s foot stomp to miss as well, and as the White raven took from his back the bird aimed to obscure Acere’s vision with his wings and distract him from his aimed bite as Solitude’s body gained altitude. Rhyme would use the opportunity to return the mammoth’s attacks.

The slate alpha aimed to shift himself, so his chest was aimed at Acere’s shoulder and if looked at from above the two would have made a slightly skewed ‘T’ shape. Rhyme shifted his weight as he coiled and aimed to use his bracer protected arms to wrap around Acere’s shoulders and neck. Rhyme aimed to gain control of his opponent as he opened his wide jaws to aim to grasp hold of the back of Acere’s skull for control of his head. He’d attempt to use his momentum and body weight to push at the bigger wolf with his dark chest.

Rhyme v Acere for Spar (Rematch!)
Round 1 of 2
Size: x-large

Build: medium
Defensive Accessory: Bracers
Companion 1: Solitude: Battle
Companion 2: Imperia: Flying
Fight Skill Level: Expert
