


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-08-2019, 11:48 AM

Dawn. It was a time where he liked to go out and do his own business for a time before returning to perform mundane tasks within Abaven. He didn't quite like thinking about it that way, but when there was nothing much to do save for pointless border patrols considering the pack was friends with every other pack, was safe to say he felt like his life was coming to a standstill. So he ventured northward to clear his mind and think about his prospective pack. He had an idea of what he wanted for it, but now what remained was whether or not others would follow. The day was warm and clear, even for the north lands. It was welcome, however, but he could also smell the hint of rain on the horizon. His foxes were with him as usual, and together they traveled beyond the wall to see what they could find today.

By the time they arrived at the frozen ship, the air was still cool and the sun rising over the sea. It was still early enough in the day, not quite noon just yet. Claws clicked on the structure beneath him, the tiger armor he wore shielding him from the cold and wind. He had visited this place before, but he had never really gotten a good look into it. Well, since he had nothing but time, today was a good day as any to take a look, right? He wasted no time in moving along the deck and slipping along the side, noting the many door ways and windows and other things.

Acere moved into the ship, his steps slightly muffled by lingering snow and the strange, wooden ground that enveloped most of this place. He began to investigate the rooms one by one, noting some things of interest while others...not so much. His companions had gone off to do a little exploring of their own, which he didn't mind. they were old enough to take care of themselves now, so if they did get into trouble then he was sure they could fend for themselves until he could get there. Continuing on, he stuck his head into a dim room with a small bed in it, though he was unaware that someone was lying in it. Peering through the shadows, he spotted the old, tattered blanket but didn't give much thought that just maybe...someone was underneath. Seeing nothing of interest, he moved on to the next room.

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