
I'm wondering now before it's too late



4 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
05-08-2019, 01:28 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2019, 01:28 PM by Drake.)


“Where are they going, you ask?” Drake tentatively nodded, blue gaze watching with curiosity as his ears perked forward to listen. “I suppose it depends on what you believe, young one. For those of my pack we believe that when stars fall they returning to the Deities, God and Goddess of Foi. Something that only the Deities themselves can do.” Deities? He had never heard of such a thing, so he wasn't sure what she was talking about. He had never learned about Gods or Goddesses, and definitely didn't know what the heck Foi was. Hell, he didn't even know a single thing about religion. Nonetheless, he looked at the stars as she did, watching as they shot across the sky and disappeared into the void. “It is also said that the stars are all spirits of those we love… so when they go home with those of Foi it is because they were chosen to be born again. A new life, a new body, a second chance.”

His brows furrowed as she spoke, the young male trying to process how that worked. How did their spirits end up there? Didn't wolves just live and die and rot away? He wasn't totally sure how death worked...if there was something more than just rotting bodies. “What do you believe the stars are? What do you see when you see them shoot across the sky like that?” What meaning did they hold for him? He turned his gaze to her as she sat, confusion painted all over his features. "I...never really thought about it before," He admitted. He had never really questioned what the stars were, or their purpose or existence. He had never really questioned the world around him. "I thought they were just spots of light in the sky...though they're not as bright like the sun and the moon," But then again...he just saw stars shooting across the sky. Surely there was something more than he initially thought? "What is Foi? Is that a place?"

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

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