
Hand in hand

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-09-2019, 04:26 PM
She sighed, looking to the three men that looked at her imploringly. She heard cloud speak, and then rai. She listened, and understood where they where coming from. "In truth, my decision was that I should not be interfering in this argument between parents. My wolf challanged for them, but whatever his issue is with you, I do not share it. You arent a foreign elemnent fighting for what isnt yours. I am the foreign one here. The kids are yours, ty. I should have stepped back at the start when I reigned my warrior in. I acted in knee jerk reaction, without knowing the facts. I'm sorry leera, and your welcome to stay in my pack. We can talk more on this later if you like" she hoped the woman could forgive her but she had a feeling this was the only right answer.

She sighed softly, but she knew she couldn't stay in the middle of this. If she fought for the pups, against their own father, it would mean war. There would be no peaceful life for them. And when it really came down to it, did she have any right to bar him from his kids? Him barring leera was his choice, and she hoped she could work with the woman to find an answer, but that was q future problem. Here and now, the kids where his. She stepped back, giving him the floor to call for them.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.