
Paradise x Tyranis pup! [closed]



7 Years
Extra large
05-10-2019, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2019, 04:49 PM by Torin.)

OOC Name: Lolaf
Design: #9
Character Name: Fiammetta
Gender: Female

Personality: Much like her namesake Fiammetta is as brilliant as a flame. She burns bright and passionate, she loves and laughs and plays with such an enthusiasm she seems almost perpetually joyous and childlike even as she matures and grows. There are few wolves quite as important to her as her family whom she adores and dotes upon but she isn't unfriendly to strangers, almost the opposite, in fact, she loves meeting new wolves but she does not trust easily and she will rarely put others above herself or her family. Still, earn her trust and you'll find one of the truest friends who will be endlessly loyal.

Still she burns bright with anger for those that might seek to harm her or those she cares for, she doesn't forgive often and she never forgets. This goes doubly for those who have betrayed her trust, for her these wolves can never be trusted again. For one such as her, it may seem that a black and white morality might suit her but in truth, she doesn't care much for moralizing, she works towards her best self-interest or the interest of those she is close to; particularly her family. Her more playful nature as a pup will turn into simple pleasure seeking as an adult. She often times will do something simply because it strikes her as a good time. Fia will also grow into a bit of a gossip and a flirt, she lives to learn of the drama in other's lives though she herself will not spread gossip if she can help it.

Appearance: Fiametta appears very much like a mixture between her parents. As an adult she stands a median 35 inches tall, making her shorter than her father but taller than her mother. Her frame likewise puts her somewhere between them. She carries the feminine curves of her mother, there will be no mistaking her as anything than a woman once she is grown. From her father, she has gained his long limbs and agile musculature.

Fia is draped in smoke and glowing embers, the base of her coat is a smokey black and light grey. Over her base of ash are the brilliant colors of a dying flame. Pale yellows and gentle oranges mark her. The flames play along her back and along her sides, petering out at her elbows and just below her haunches. Her tail is marked by ember and her face is a mask of smoke and flame.

Fiametta's eyes are a brilliant orange, glowing all the more with flame.

Other/Misc: Probably gonna be Chaotic Neutral everything else is up in the air

RP Sample: Fia rolled on her back, rubbing her spine against the ground as she tried in vain to get an itch she couldn't quite seem to reach. Finally giving up the woman sighed, puffing her cheeks for a moment before releasing her pout and rolling onto her paws. Fiammetta stretched, allowing each limb to pull free, a low groan escaping her limbs. It was seasons like this she was the most restless. Specifically her season. She itched to do something, anything exciting!

Finally her mind settled on a plan.

Mount Volkan rose up before the girl, it's height making it look like it touched the clouds. With an excited giggle, Fiammetta bound up the slope, scrabbling over the loose stones and trying to maintain a grip on the rough terrain as she climbed. And climbed. And climbed. The ground grew steeper as she walked, the rock growing more porous and her pads becoming warm. Still, she didn't stop, the girl had a mission in mind now and there could be no stopping her.

Finally she pulled herself up a ledge and found there was no more mountain in front of her, only clear open sky. Her lungs heaved and she found the air harder to breathe here. The air danced in front of her eyes, waving from the heat. Slowly she turned her gaze down, staring past the lip of the ledge she balanced on. Down, down, down into the mouth of the great crater was bubbling, roiling lava. The heat even this far away was enough to make her sweat and make her feel as if she stayed too long she'd start on fire herself. Fia wobbled slightly, watching wide-eyed as a pebbled tumbled into the thick mixture below, swallowed whole by the liquid flame.

Fia stepped back, feeling a wave of fear crash into her. Once she was far enough away from the mouth of the volcano she turned tail and began to pound down the mountain, vowing that she'd never climb that high again. That was maybe a bit too much thrill.

She was lying of course, she'd be back as soon as the danger of her previous trip had faded from her memory.

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