
Help I've climbed up and can't get down



4 Years
05-10-2019, 05:53 PM

He awaited the young woman's response with a look of genuine concern on his face. His tail flicked worriedly from side to side, stirring up more shades of blue in the sunlight. He was a shimmering gemstone, a rare sight for anyone. Sometimes Aramis forgot just how strange he must appear to others. But if he caught the maiden off guard, she quickly regained her composure. She replied, her voice high and clear as a birdsong.

Did his heart flutter? Perhaps. But he wouldn't admit it. He continued to look up as she glanced down again, and it was clear she was nervous. "Don't worry," he called up, giving her a reassuring smile. "We'll figure something out!" Aramis stepped back a bit, water lapping at his ankles as he looked around for something that might give him an idea. It would be nice if there were a smaller boulder near this big one, something to act as a stepping stone... but sadly, no. Perhaps the boy could find vines or a very long stick for her to hang onto. Then he could help her maintain her balance while she climbed down the least precarious side of the boulder.

If that was going to work, he'd have to start searching. Aramis waded into shallower waters and began searching the shore of the lake, hoping to find something that could do the trick. "My name is Aramis," he said, deciding it wouldn't be a bad idea to introduce himself and start up some light conversation while he was searching. He poked at a long piece of driftwood with his nose, only to find it was much too soggy for his purposes. He glanced up at where the maiden sat on her perch, and curiosity got the better of him. "If I may ask, how did you get up there in the first place?"