
New Religion


05-10-2019, 11:43 PM

Malleus arrived promptly, the woman peering at him through hald narrowed eyes. She grit her teeth together as she braced herself for another contraction and muttered curses with it. While she was usually a bit more lady-like, right now she just couldn't. "Yes, it's time. A bit sooner than I expected, I think." Her body stopped tensing for the moment, allowing her to breathe a little easier. She didn't want to put Malleus into an awkward position by calling for his help, but she didn't know who else to call let alone trusted enough to help her with this should she need it. Initially, she thought about doing it alone without help. But the pain of the contractions was something she didn't particularly want to go through without any aid now that it was actually happening. How the hell did some wolves do it so naturally!? Sure, she believed herself to be as Godly as the rest of her family, but even Gods had their limits, she was sure. "Water, and something for the pain at least." She grunted. Another contraction took hold of her for a second, causing her to grunt as she laid her head on the ground.

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