
Love Can Hurt

Silent I


11 Years
07-16-2013, 11:06 PM

Her brows furrowed into forward slants as she listened to the story that unfolded from Song's lips. She made a soft whimper towards her, ears perking and tears evident in her own eyes. Since the pregnant hormones kicked in, everything was more sensitive for the black fae. She nuzzled Song's cheek in reassurance and gently spoke. "I can see why you were afraid of being pregnant in the first place. Believe me, love, I will make sure that nothing like that happens to you." It was a truthful promise that Silent made the young fae. Having her own share of pups over the years, she knew that the complications could arise. But, if she had been by herself, the fear of having them happen to her would have been higher. She was one of the lucky women to have her family there, wrapped up in the moment and not afraid to step a paw in if she needed them.
"The birthing process can be hard and make you want to scream and howl, but the end results are so worth the pain and being scared at first." She reassured Song with her words and her smile widened as she remembered all she went through with her own births. Now, as she lowered her gaze to her belly, slightly bulging from the growing pups within, she knew that she was meant to endure all of it again. Her memories were sliced in half as another voice welcomed itself to her ears. Silent's gaze rose from her black stomach and turned to the black and white stranger advancing towards them. Those familiar emerald green eyes danced and she nodded to her, taking note of her own pregnant belly. It was amazing how many females were mating this time of the year. The fae's simple question brought a wag from Silent's tail and gentle-toned reply. "Hello to you, dear. Only the beautiful atmosphere that surrounds us. The birds, warm sunshine, and the company a fae like myself can keep and feel blessed because of them." My, she was feeling poetic today.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥