
Nobody's Home


5 Years
Athena I
07-16-2013, 11:20 PM

It was no secret that the timber-hued fea had a broken mind. Her memories were a jumbled mess, split in two from a severe head trauma the day her family had been murdered. She liked to think that she held herself together for the most part and with Gael's help she was making new memories to fill in what the old ones left out. But when she saw the pale wolf standing over the beaten and bloodied body of a wolf she saw what it truly meant to be broken.

She had been taking a short break from Gael and Valhalla, giving her new friend and hopeful new pack a little space, and was visiting a few places in Alacritis that she had yet to see. That's how she ended up in the Fontamo Bay, drawn here by the beautiful scenery. Her ears had caught the pained howl that echoed though the air, her curiosity and concern driving her to come to the aid of whoever had called. What she walked up to was a shock. The body laying torn apart on the ground was almost too beaten to be recognized as a wolf. If it wasn't for the untouched face and staring, empty eyes she wouldn't have been able to identify its species. Standing over this mess was a pale fea, her hackles raised and teeth bared, seemingly furious at the sight of the murder.

Meili carefully padded closer, still keeping her distance in fear that the fea would attack her. She examined the scene, noticing that the female didn't have the telltale signs of a fight, nor blood covering her that would certainly have been had she brutally beaten this wolf. Her ears folded back and she watched the female with concern, wondering if she had known this victim. If she had that would explain her reaction to the scene. Keeping her voice calm and gentle, she asked, "Excuse me? Are you okay? Do you know what happened here?"
