
nobody knows how the story ends

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-13-2019, 12:33 PM
Acere reacted with a good natured chuckle as Rhyme made vocal his desire to have peace. ”...but Abaven is pretty quiet.” The alpha couldn’t argue to heavily, ”At least since the threat of slavers was dealt with.” Acere probably had little idea how tense Rhyme felt with his family and the huge potential for violence that lingered to the west. Shaye had already talked him down after his mother had appeared at the border. Rhyme felt foolish for his emotional response now, but the pain of that betrayal was hard to let go.

Acere continued though, and Rhyme nodded respectfully as the pale man made voice to how Rhyme felt as well. He respected Acere. ”how have things been? How's...Shaye?" Rhyme’s blue and lavender gaze found Acere’s brilliant rubies as he asked, the alpha didn’t miss the hesitation. The relationship between himself and his alpha partner was slowly being patched up, but the one between her and Acere had not been given that chance.

”Busy, the pups are growing faster than I’d like.” Also not fast enough, the sooner they were grown and able to defend themselves against those that sought them harm, the sooner Rhyme could sleep again at night. ”She is well, though in a similar position. Trying to keep up with much too adventurous children and work to keep Abaven moving forward.” Though they still hadn’t decided on a wolf ready to be lead warrior there had been many promotions this season.

”I haven’t had time to check in with Ignis recently,” A problem he had every intention of resolving soon. Maybe with a trip to Auster. ”How is he doing?” The boy had been promoted from his apprentice rank for his bravery and skill during their fight with the snow tiger. Rhyme was still proud of him, and hoped he was still training with the other warriors or his uncle.