
Come at me, baby

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-13-2019, 02:36 PM

It wasn't long before the familiar shape of Rhyme appeared in the battlefield, and her smile widened for the familiar sight of her friend. He raised a brow and indicated her similar adornment, and she grinned back at him, giving her paws a little wiggle to show off 'his' creation. She was the white match to his black, and well she still thought a black cape would finish off the mysterious edge of being a raven knight, he had not adorned himself so.

She glanced towards his flying companions, then to her own Winter, and back to the man before her. He indicated that she should go first, and she gave him a sly smile. Right, he just wanted to see what she did. "My Wisteria" she said "your such a gentleman."
Her blood was up, and some of the weight of responsibility fell off her shoulder. The teasing words fell easily from her lips, and a hint of laughter was in their tones, and for a moment the wall of their world fell away. She was a raven queen, dressed in white, and he was her knight, shrouded in shadows. He was sleek and handsome, and utterly unattainable, and all the more desirable for it.

The little squirrel monkey clung tightly to her and winter let out a haunting cry. The alpha let her posture fall into the familiar rhythms of a warrior. With her paws spreading out for balance, her neck fluff scrunching up, her tail behind her like a banner. She let her eyes narrow to slits, and then she dove at him. Ran towards the solid wall that was her alpha companion, and banked at the last second. Not to go past him, but to dig her right shoulder into his left, and attempt to drive her spiked bracers into the flesh of his left foreleg. Had he seen the spikes? She thought they were rather a nice touch. Her mouth moved over his shoulder and attempted to bite into his neck on its left side.

Winter dived and pretended she aimed to harass his eyes before banking and hovering above the monkey to defend him. The squirrel monkey hung over neck and aimed to bite an ear.

Shaye vs Rhyme for spar
Round 1/2
Size: extra large
Build: medium
Offensive Accessory: raven braces with spikes
Defensive Accessory: raven bracers
Companion 1: battle Raven
Companion 2: battle squirrel monkey
Fight Skill Level: expert



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