
The Ademre



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
05-13-2019, 03:54 PM
Name: Eris
Age: 1
Gender: Female
Appearance: 4
Although small and light in frame, Eris is surprisingly leggy. Her proportions are almost comically strange - although she's sure to grow out of some of it, it's likely she will always have longer limbs and larger paws. She is excellent at keeping pace and often ranges ahead of a group due to her longer stride. No one has ever accused her of being unable to keep up. Her black fur is short on her body and legs, but she has a thick ruff of fur similar to that of a bulkier male along her neck and trailing down her spine. It makes her look deceptively heavier than she is, creating the illusion of strength. This, coupled with the Ademre tendency towards stoicism, means most tend to steer clear of her anyway, which is how Eris would prefer it. Unless you get close, you would never tell that her eyes are somewhat vacant. There is an almost transparent milky halo eclipsing her red irises and pupils - Eris can still see shapes and some colors, but she is slowly and surely going blind. Her ears and nose are over-tuned as a result; this degenerative condition will certainly one day mean the end of her fighting days. Against the black of her fur, her white markings are a stark contrast. She finds it difficult to keep herself clean due to her weak eyesight, so they are often muddied.
Personality: Since Eris was born, she yearned to fight. She was the runt of her litter and was coddled as a result - since birth, she has been used to getting her way. As soon as her eyes opened as a puppy, she could tell something wasn't right. It wasn't long before her mother caught on and devoted much of her attention to the small and bleary-eyed pup. When it became apparent that her ailment was not just temporary and would worsen over time, she was cast aside. It was just after she had been weaned, and after her mother and siblings vacated the den, Eris found herself totally unmoored. When she had waypoints, her world was easy to navigate. With the den empty and cold, the young wolf stuck around the area for weeks. She howled and keened and raged alone until a lone wolf followed her cries.

She was taken in by the Ademre and taught the Lethani, then taught to fight. Fighting came more easily to her than they expected, but her eyesight grew worse even as her skills were honed. Eventually, she was persuaded to take the Oath, so that she could further serve the Ademre once her vision faded entirely. Eris is wholly committed to the Ademre, as she considers the Oath and the Lethani the one true mode of being. Without the Ademre, she is lost.

Due to her past, Eris is hesitant to trust. It takes a concerted effort to break through her initial emotional barriers. Once inside her walls, you will find that same pup that was abandoned outside of her den: spoiled rotten, needy, clingy, and surprisingly vulnerable. Having spent so much time relying on others has made her more than a little codependent. Tor help the wolves she attaches herself to. Once she decides she likes you, Eris is impossible to get rid of. To her, correcting the balance has something to do with surrounding herself with as many wolves as possible. If she is never alone, she will never be without sight. It is her most private thought.
Taken the Oath?:  Yes - her rituals often border on self-flagellation, such as forcing herself to run gauntlets across new territories, inevitably leading to scars and sometimes graver injuries. She also performs a ritualized patrol of wherever she chooses to sleep at night.
Relation to the Pyre family: Adopted cousin
Rp Sample On overcast days, it was worse. Without the sun as a back light, the world slipped further into darkness. She was horrified to realize that there was little difference between the world with her eyes open and the world with her eyes closed. Eris nibbled her lip hard, struggling to keep her face neutral. When the sheer terror of her future yawned before her like this, nearly black as night, it was a challenge to maintain her commitment to the Ademre way of life. She wanted nothing more than to scream and rage and cry to excess, until she was winded and her eyes stung. Eris closed her eyes, gulped, and swished her tail. Nothing to either side of her rear. She focused on her breathing and finally lurched forward, feeling out each step carefully before she found a relatively uncomplicated rhythm.

The sounds of the forest around her were no longer soothing. Every cracking branch was a threat, every chirping bird a warning. Under her breath, the she-wolf let out the barest of whimpers. With eyes still shut, she cut to the right and inhaled deeply - on the air she could pick apart robins, a hare, and further away the musty scent of boar. Boar... It suddenly occurred to her just how lonely a life alone and without sight would be. There was no doubt in her mind that she would be easy prey. The only solution, she supposed, was to never be alone. Eris opened her eyes slowly. The world came back into focus as shades of light, trees blending into one another, bushes and flowers almost formless. There was a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. Was this an ambush? She stood entirely still and slowed her breathing, listening carefully to the rustling of the leaves and birdsong all around.