
Come at me, baby

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-14-2019, 12:12 AM
She couldn't help it, she grinned wide as he managed to shift his weight to the side, avoiding the spikes she attempted to drive into his skin. They wouldnt have done any perminant damage, but they certainly wouldnt have felt good. He had seen them obviously, likely when she had wiggled her paws and showed them off on his approach. Still, good eyes.

She felt him shake slightly, easy to feel with the way they where pressed together, locked into combat. was he laughing. bastard. Her squirral monkey was a greatly fierce companion. She laughed a little herself, but the monkey tugged on the ear in its mouth and moved to jam its nimble little hands into his ear hole. Gross.

Winter flared her wings and screeched at Solitudex still only mock attaching, fainting one way then another with her claws to her egg mate. Clearly Winter was a lit mire weary about causing damage.

Shayes teeth had landed on Rhymes neck, and she dug them in as best she could, pulling down and to the side with the strength of her jaw. Her paws scrambled to keep her balance at the same time as trying to find the right angle to dig her forleg bracer spikes into his flesh. She used them to ward off Rhymes hug. If he wanted to land, he was going to lose some skin to those spikes.

His own fangs locked into her scruff, and he too tried to pull her and it became a game of rug a war, each alpha with a piece of neck fluff in their jaws. She growled around her mouthful, but her bright eyes held too much mirth for it to be a threat. If anything, the low throaty growl was playful.

Shaye vs Rhyme for spar
Round 2/2
Size: extra large
Build: medium
Offensive Accessory: raven braces with spikesĀ 
Defensive Accessory: raven bracersĀ 
Companion 1: battle Raven
Companion 2: battle squirrel monkey
Fight Skill Level: expert


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