
This Angel Has No Wings...



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-17-2013, 01:14 AM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 01:16 AM by Erani.)

(OOC: Due to Eve departing Alacritis, we'll assume Banshee has left the thread.)

It was just after her words left her muzzle that a familiar smell rolled through the air. Banshee. Lovely. She stepped from the curtain of willow branches and took a place between the small dark female and the approaching demon of a wolf. Deep blues looked steadily toward the direction the scent came from. One ear pulled back to listen to the soft voiced reply, and caught the mutter. A soft chuckle rippled from her throat. She could feel the defensive wariness aimed toward Banshee as the large black female came into full view. The rat screeched his words, cackling as he spoke. One brow lifted, before she felt a familiar and much loved body step up behind her. Her mate, massive and black, came to her side. Where was their son?

The animosity rolling from her mate?s form was such that tension could have caught a claw and held it. His voice bellowed out. She didn?t want her mate facing this female. Blitzkrieg had faced her, and come home nearly dead, mangled. She knew Nova could hold his own, but she also knew that a bite from Banshee or her rat could cause severe infection. So she spoke. Two soft words in a midnight whisper. ?Nova. Attend. A gentle command to step away. Another wolf appeared on the scene, and a smile twitched at her lips. Quite fluent in foul language, this young male.

The rat?s screeched reply to Nova got no reaction from Erani. She could, however, see the love that the rat held for his mistress. His next words were aimed at the younger male, before he returned to his place in Banshee?s fur. Snd then, just like that, the two left. Through all of this, Erani?s stance had been relaxed, tail loose between her hocks, hackles lowered, eyes calm. As Banshee vanished, at last her head moved. She turned her head and placed a lick on the muscular shoulder of her mate. ?It?s wonderful to see you, Love. How is Castiel enjoying the father son trip?? The warmth and love in her eyes and voice left no doubts that this male held her heart and soul in his paws, and could do what he wanted with them.

Deep blue gaze turned to the young female they were defending. ?I am Erani of Valhalla. I am the Lead Healer there. This is my mate, Nova. One of the Warriors in our pack.? The eyes turned to the younger male. ?I don?t believe we've met before, but I am pleased to make an acquaintance.? Her tail swayed to the two younger wolves.