
Forgive and forget and die



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-17-2013, 01:50 AM

Erani was gathering again, herbs for pain relief, plants for cramps and fevers. Her tail swayed absently as she wandered along, her jaws full of plants. Then her head jerked up. A howl. A call for help. There was an inflection that reminded her of Thane in that voice, though it was feminine. Immediately, she turned and broke into a quick, long lope toward the call. When she arrived, she found Thane, a female that looked like his opposite in coloration but held the same eyes, and a male marked in browns and cream, sporting blue eyes.

Thane lay on the ground, one leg hanging at an odd angle. The strange male lay exhausted nearby. Thane was her immediate concern. The break was bad, and she wonderede how she would be able to fix that out here, without the work she?d do being ruined on the trek home. He couldn?t stay here. She padded forward, setting her herbs down and running her muzzle along his form, sniffing lightly and listening to his body, letting it and his scent tell her what was what. Bruises, from the scent of blood under the skin, and that leg. The leg was the worst of it that she could see. ?Thane, how is your breathing? Does it hurt to take deeper breaths?? She didn?t inquire as to how he?d gotten into this shape. Stories could come later.

She made her way to the leg, studying it. On closer inspection, it was a clean break. The only broken limbs she?d ever treated were Blitzkriegs? mangled paw. It had been a tricky spot, and despite her best care, Blitz had never been able to rest his full weight on the appendage. But he?d been able to run, other than that. A leg would be interesting. The best she could do now was to give Thane something to numb the pain. She went to her herbs, picking out a plant, or rather, the bark of a plant. She set the willow bark in front of the Delta. ?Chew this, swallow the juices. It?ll be bitter, but it will numb the pain.? It was a healer?s command, one even Alpha?s obeyed. Sitting back, she watched him until she could deduce the effects.

Tail flicking she went to the leg again. Gently, she arranged it so that it lay straight. If she could properly bind the limb into place, she?d be much less grim about this. The other two wolves were fully ignored while she worked on Thane?s leg.