
Facing Shadows



4 Years
Extra small
05-17-2019, 03:30 AM

If he thought it was easy for her to feel safe with someone, or even believe they meant her no harm, he was wrong. And trust went well out the window for her now. It would honestly be hard for her to trust someone so easily again. Rhyme had seen to that when he hurt her emotionally and shaye when she'd made to harm her physically. And even when he said it wasnt her fault she still felt it was, but she gave him a nod anyway because that's what she believed he wanted. She was aiming mainly to make his anger calm by doing whatever he wanted her to do.

She listened to him as he spoke more, this time remaining silent. Shaye acting on impulse was nothing new to Tana right now, but honestly she felt like the other woman had never been committed to Rhyme's mission to help her. If anything Shaye had never once cared about Tana, for whatever reason that was. Tana was convinced that it was because Rhyme had at one point cared about her though, and shaye hated that. She also believed that the impulse could of been curbed or controlled, there had been no reason to act the way shaye had in front of a child. Acere went on after that, informing her that she wasnt useless. She had to disagree with him on that though. She didnt voice it though. Her only skill was healing and even that was still a beginning level. She was silent though as he spoke his peice.

When he went on that he was going to try his best to handle the situation of her pups she gave a gentle nod. "Thank you, you have no idea how much it means to me that your even going to try to figure out a way to help get my children to me. They're the only family I have...." of course no one knew that she'd been born an only child and her parents sacrificed in rituals. Nor that her first litter had barely been born before they too were murdered.

Walk "Talk" Think

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.