
Asante sana Squash banana



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
05-20-2019, 08:29 PM
The barrel bodied boy was getting bigger, he had reached his second season and six months looked well on him. He was slowly coming into his proportions, but he still clung heavily to his awkward long legs and round body. His face was lengthening, and he was looking more and more like a real Abraxas every day.

His patience was obvious in his slow gait as he navigated the garden he was born int. He didn’t crush a single plant, a practice he had been working on since he’d been scolded for running over some important species. The image was a stark contrast to the pup that Pyrrhic had taken under his wing a season ago. Though his appearance was changing quickly Iroh still felt a high motivation and excitement to train and become a General one day.

Though it was colder this time of yearIroh wasn’t bothered, he walked calmly to the tree line. Before he saw them Iroh could hear the noise of the horde. He had no intention of confronting them and shifted his direction, but as he moved the noise continued to follow. The more he avoided the closer they came.

Eventually he was in the middle of them. He couldn’t see them still as they flashed through the foliage, but finally one stopped before him. She had a bright face, though it wasn’t near as impressive as Benkos her high rank was obvious. Her fur was a bit lighter than many of the Mandrills Iroh had encountered, a soft warm brown gray accentuated by her bright blue face and creamy yellow chest. Her eyes were a striking lightning yellow, and her intelligence was obvious in a single glance. Iroh felt captivated as she seemed to look him over, a judging glance here and there.

As soon as she appeared she was gone again though, and with her went the tornado of invisible primates. Iroh was left standing on his own, dumbstruck about what had just happened.
Where My Demons Hide