



6 Years
Extra large

05-21-2019, 11:00 AM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2019, 11:06 AM by Elias.)

Elias had every intention of making his way deeper into the communal parts of the territory, to show his half-scorched face and familiarize himself with those under his flag- but the sweet scent of food caught his attention and derailed all his plans almost immediately. Food, and... the scent of one of his oldest 'friends', Storm Wreckage.

He followed the sweet clouds of her scent, nose lifted as he consumed each pocket of this female's smell right out of the air and claimed it for his own lungs, just as he'd claimed her all those years ago. As he drew closer to the source of the sweet calling, he realized unfamiliarity in the way it hit his nostrils. This wasn't his Storm, but someone very.. very closely related to her.

When his singular red ruby laid itself on the backside of the youth, he realized the mistake he'd made in identifying this girl- though, he had made no mistake in identifying the savory scent of deer. With a low rumbling growl, the Oracle announced his presence and stepped forward with every intention to take the girl's meal. He had no energy to hunt for himself and he would not allow the opportunity of an effortless dinner pass him by. Whatever her intentions were for this deer, it would have to wait until he had filled his empty stomach.

He walked forward with his massive, half-scarred face held low and his eyes narrowed; this display of aggression only lasting as long as it took for him to move himself to the backside of the kill. Teeth finally sank into the back thighs of the deer, the soft flesh resisting only slightly as the hungry wolf savagely swallowed it down. His impish ears flicked attentively as he listened for any sort of fight that might come from the girl while he ate, though he had no intention of stopping unless she made him.

The scent of another was what made him finally cease his act of theft, massive skull lifting from the carcass of the deer as his tongue picked bits of flesh from his teeth. Red muscle left his lips to pull away blood while he readied himself to face the rest of the pack, though... while he expected more than just her scent, it seemed these two women would be the only in his company for the evening. It wasn't a bad start for jumping back into the world of socialization- he never did mind women.

"Thank you, young Wreckage. I was starving..." Elias shifted to move himself away from the girl's deer, ears apologetically folding backward while he gave her a less-than-friendly looking grin. Insanity dripped from his crooked smile just as the drool rolled down the slopes of his thick, pinkened teeth. He closed his smile, quietly turning his face away from her toward the direction of the woman yet to enter their sight and all previous signs of aggression seemed to shed from his demeanor.

The unmarred side of his face that faced the young Wreckage was so strongly chiseled that, when he was calm, it was hard not to see the handsomeness genetics had once blessed him with. He remained silent for a moment, his breath slowed as his mind quieted. When the other female finally showed herself, Elias dipped his square muzzle charmingly downward out of respect.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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