
What, haven't you seen a ninja before?



2 Years

Treat 2019
05-21-2019, 06:26 PM


Once more Tsarvix watched as the undersized male pranced about the branches with careful precision, stopping to come up alongside his sister.

“We are Songa, the greatest wolves to ever live.” Ramesh's announcement was full of pride and Tsarvix couldn't help but let his eyebrow raise in question. Wolves? They call themselves wolves? Surely they were canine, but, wolves? The coyote cannot call himself a wolf, why should these tiny things be able to? He shook his broad head in disbelief. The female gave a stern, pointed stare at her brother's outburst and Tsarvix wondered why the Songa was such a secret.

"If you don’t mind though, we’d like to keep the carcass.” Tsarvix was perplexed once more. These tiny wolves could not use the entirety of this carcass, to them this jaguar might as well be a bison. How selfish. "What, are the mighty Songa not firm believers in sharing?" The chocolate male stepped forward towards the jaguar's remains, placing a large paw upon the bridge of it's spine and dragging it towards him and off the log on which it died. "Surely we can come to terms fairly." Tsarvix brought himself to stand above the carcass.

He had no interest in fighting the pair, but he was not about to be stolen from. Pyrrhic had promised to teach Tsarvix how to craft weaponry someday, and so the male decided he wanted to present his Fallen God with a bone he had gathered himself so his deity would see his determination to learn. If these two Songa would not let him come away with a piece of the carcass that he'd helped to fell, then Tsarvix would simply have to fight for it and claim his spoils in the name of the Fallen God.

A last-ditch effort for peace, Tsarvix lifted his head to address them loudly. "Look, we all have secrets. Come down from your tree and share the kill with me, and I will not bring back stories of the tree-dwelling Songa to the Abraxas empire." He fixed his gaze upon the seemingly dominant female and awaited the pair's decision.


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.