
Fix me Father


07-17-2013, 06:57 AM
The boy sat on his haunches beside his Aunt. His attention on Squall averted back to his Aunt Loccian. She kicked a way a tear before gently nuzzling him. The young brute pressed himself closer into her fur before perking up his black ears. His white gaze then watched her get up and then turning around. She asked if he would like to hear what happened on that day, when she started spiraling out of control. Then she lastly added the day she fell into darkness.

With a nod Auggie agreed. He would like to hear what happened. No, he wanted to ear what happened. Augustus wanted to know everything!

"Yes, I would like to know what happened here. And I would like to know everything if th is alright. It may be a lot to ask but I want you to know I love you Aunt Loccian. And I couldn't have asked for a better Aunt. And sometimes I feel like you feel you're alone but I feel the same way too. And I just wanna say that we're hanging in there right? We're stronger than we know." he said before standing up himself and walking towards her to stick his head into her fur.

Auggie then retreated and sat back one his haunches in the grass. Out of the corner of his white gaze he saw Squall move. But the boy did my mind; all of his attention was on his Aunt Loccian. Black ears perked up to take in her words. They perked up to listened to what had happened here that day. They were perked up to be filled with knowledge. And knowledge would he get soon enough.

Patiently sitting as waiting did he look at her quietly. Auggie would wait forever if he had to. This is how bad he wanted to know...

OOC: Sorry, crappy phone post.