
A Struggling Healer



4 Years
Other species

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
05-21-2019, 07:10 PM


Cannival's sheer frustration was abated slowly as she breathed in the soft scents around her. The herbs were lovely, and although the feline was still upset that she had failed in her attempts to harvest them, the feelings had changed from anger to sadness. She wasn't proud of the destruction she'd wrecked upon the earth, but Cannival wanted nothing more then to learn the customs of this strange land and from what she had been told of the wolves, herbalism was the only one that made any sense. You pick flowers, you feed them to the sick, and they get better. It sounded magical and good, and Cannival wanted that.

The lioness rose from her bed of destruction, shaking out her pelt to displace the greenery that had settled there. She'd find another place, maybe. Containing her pathetic attempts to this small area couldn't be good for the land. As the turned to leave, she saw the wolves that had been watching her.

"Oh, uh, hello!" Her greeting was cheerful, but also reserved. She recognized the foremost wolf's posture and felt her blood cool. Cannival pedaled back slowly, yellow gaze fixed upon the blue she-wolf's snarling maw.

She hadn't learned much of the wolves, but the one thing that was emphasized to her was how truly these creatures valued respect and body language. Cannival was cautioned to submit if she wanted to find allies here, and thought the advice seemed sound enough when she received it many moons ago, she struggled hard against her instincts to do so now.

The feline allowed her body to relax, shrugging off the tension in her shoulders and deepening her stance into a bow, paws asymmetrical in spread for balance. She lowered her head between her paws, her upper chest and neck just inches off of the ground. It'd be stupid to just lay down, she figured, so she kept her back end raised. Her tail whipped behind her to betray her nerves. This felt nothing like submission, the lioness realized with panic; this felt like hunting.

"I'm submitting, I'm submitting!" Cannival announced, feeling stupid. She abandoned her sad attempt at posturing and flopped onto the ground, pressing her chin into the cool dirt. Hadn't someone said that to look a wolf in the eye could be mistaken as dominance? Panicked, she threw her paws over her muzzle to cover her eyes. "Still submitting!" She repeated for clarity once more, "I don't want to hurt anyone, please, I've come to meet you!" Well, she hadn't come to meet this wolf in particular, but she was still being truthful in a way.
