
A Struggling Healer

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-21-2019, 07:21 PM

Shaye Destruction

Wait, it spoke? just like their Raven companions, it deemed it appropriate to speak to the wolves that stood threatening before it. Shaye flatternerd her ears to her skull at this second indication of strange behaviour. First the roots it had attempted to harvest, and now this. What exactly had crossed their border?

The Lioness went into a battle stance herse, only it was.. Odd. she let her front paws fall to the ground, keeping her rump in the air. Her tail swung behind her, and it gave Shaye the impression of a pup, mimic a pounce stance. Shaye blinked in surprise, but held her own ground, keeping herself prepared for what this strange creature might throw their way.

When the lioness spoke again, she was yelling out what she was doing, she was.. Submitting? Shaye blinked again confusion growing. She could see it now however, how the lioness was putting herself awkwardly to the ground, and it explained the strangeness in her posture, even if Shaye didn’t yet understand why.

When the lioness plopped her paws over her eyes and continued to yell her white flag. Shaye couldn’t help it, she laughed. It wasn’t exactly an amused sound, just sheer… surprise, and a touch of relief. This silly goof didn’t look like she was about to eat any pups. “Alright, alright, I believe you. You can get to your paws.” she told the Lioness.

She remembered in her youth, a member of the pack had not been a wolf. She couldn’t remember what the creature had been, she had been young and hadn’t associated with it, but it proved that friendships could exist between other species. Of course, she didn’t have to cast her thoughts back as far as that - their Ravens where proof enough.

“Why have you come to meet us? Why are you here?” she asked the Lioness. Still not completely relaxed, but her neutral stance no longer looked threatening. She was hardly about to attack a creature such as this, who clearly wanted to prove she was no a threat.



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