
Same as it never was....


07-17-2013, 07:51 AM

Ulrike looked at the younger brute as he spoke his name also. The young thing had a politeness to him, but determination and caution at the same time. Ulrike walked closer to the brute whom entered such land, filled with familiarities from a past home. Well to most that is the main drive that brings one to a certain part of the land. Ulrike on the other hand did not come here because it reminded him of home. This land is full of creatures that amaze him, the serpents of this area seem to have a well built structure, and boundaries just like wolf packs did. The only difference is that serpents are solidary creatures, and with all having own territory with little conflict is astounding.

Ulrike took a seat upon the ground curling his tail around his front paws as he looked at the young brute with his black pools. His ears swiveled back to listen to a snake crawling through he grass, one stayed forward listening to the other brute."It is a good thing to return back to places that remind you of home, or some event in the past. Weather it is good or bad. As for my being here young brute, I come to this land to observe the serpents that dwell in this land." He spoke as his other ear returned back focused on the brute. This young male was interesting, and seemed not in a hurry for something. One thing Ulrike noticed is that all the, well most of the young of today are always in a hurry.

They are all ready to become the biggest the badest, the quickest way they can possibly find. Just rushing through life and not taking the time to enjoy what this world has to offer. He soon came to a standing position and looked Sasori some more. This child has a lot of knowledge already, and Ulrike can see that, but the immaturity that youth comes with can be a huge barrier to one's over all potential. "So Sasori how long have you traveled this land?"He asked hoping that the young brute would catch on that Ulrike was asking his age. Well all that is needed now is to wait for a response if their is any to receive.
