
Lion's Teeth



6 Years
Extra large

05-22-2019, 11:55 AM

As Tyranis appeared and completely ignored his presence, Elias' protective demeanor started to shift. His previously wrinkled muzzle began to smooth as he watched his son address the stranger, seemingly calm at first. The immediate lunge during the stranger's speech brought a grin to the demon's half-scorched face, his ears drawing backward as he watched in utter fascination while Tyranis fought with aggressive ferocity.

When Tyranis completed his task of defending the honor of his pack, Elias' narrowed his eyes in anticipation on how he would deal with his challenger. The words that came next were not necessarily unexpected.

Ruling became tiresome and stressful after awhile, especially with little guidance from his elders. Elias knew from experience what it was to run a pack without a proper foundation, the pain of guilt for allowing his bastard son to follow the same fate choked him only momentarily. It seemed Tyranis was running from his reign as King, just as Elias had in his youth. Insecurity resulted in the lack of faith in his demons, though Elias knew.. freedom from strife would not come from the abandonment of a crown.

Disappointed, the monstrosity scoffed as Tyranis embraced his siblings and further ignored his own presence. He never expected much from the children born outside of the Demon Mother in the first place, so none of this came as a shock to him. Tyranis had gone above and beyond all expectations by ruling not just one pack, but two in his young life. The path of the Apollyon was never meant for any of them, which was unfortunate- but, Elias decided to cut his ties with all of them right then and there.

With no pack to hold any commitment to any longer, the beast made his decision to leave and find his true progeny- his true purpose. Erovrare had been useful for allowing the behemoth to heal when he needed aid, but now it was time to get back on track. Servus Menti and his betrothal to the Apollyon was all that was on his mind, and he could only imagine the accomplishments he could achieve next season without the distraction of Erovrare.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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