
Gimme what I want



3 Years
Dragon Mod

Trick 2019
05-23-2019, 09:54 AM

She watched from the shadows, trying to be as quiet as she could as the pair spoke. She thought she had been doing a good enough job at hiding, that is, until she heard the woman say they might have company. Her ears flattened to her head and she tried to scoot back a little, but each movement brought the sound of scuffling earth beneath her, so she stopped and remained still. Wary of the strangers she was watching, she pretended like she hadn't heard that...until the masculine voice called out and told her it was safe. Darn...she hadn't been as sneaky as she thought she'd been. But at least it was safe...right? Hopefully the two wolves didn't have any intentions of harming her, and if they did then at least she could probably retreat beneath the thing she was under and hopefully make an escape that way.

She carefully scooted forward until her head poked out from beneath the metal thing she was hiding under, wide, doe-like eyes looking from Asvor to Aramis with a sheepish look on her face. Her eyes settled on Aramis for a moment, mystified by the deep blue hues of his coat, but the woman was equally interesting to her. She hadn't met too many strangers outside of Lirim, so to find others she wasn't used to seeing was fascinating to her. The woman looked older, stronger, and all around pretty. And the boy had a curious look to his fur. She was used to seeing rainbow coated wolves, but she thought they were exclusive to her pack. And yet, here she was looking at someone else who didn't live there. Were there other wolves like them? Like him? That lived in their world? "Hello," Her voices was shy, and she was ready to dip back under the tank if things turned out to get hostile.
