
A lesson from the Devil.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-24-2019, 08:58 PM

Unaware that Tsarvix had gone to the meeting place well ahead of the agreed upon time, Pyrrhic took his time in arriving. His goal was to get there early so he had time to set up and prepare for the lessons ahead. He’d thought long and hard about what a good introduction to Abraxas culture might be and eventually he’d settled on a hands on lesson. It was his experience that visual aids and hard work made lessons more memorable, and being as determined as he was to see Tsarvix become as capable as he was devoted, Pyrrhic had decided to cut no corners in his training.

At his side was Benkos and with the pair but very much excluded from their attention was one of Benkos’ newest wives. A very recent acquisition, she was the lowest ranking individual in his harem and her dull coloration and low carriage spoke volumes about her treatment at the hands of her superiors. In a bid to raise her standing and make herself more worthy of Benkos’ attention and the natural protection that came with it, she had volunteered for the very menial task of carrying the supplies for the lesson. Normally the place beside Benkos was highly sought after for no other reason than that doting on him raised one’s chances of receiving his attention, but none but the most desperate wanted the task of hauling the heavy sticks that the omega now carried. She labored behind the males quietly; a silent, determined worker with her sights set firmly on where her efforts might take her.

Upon reaching the meeting place Pyrrhic was surprised to see Tsarvix already there and seemingly waiting for him. This pleased him. He’d found an exceptional mortal, hadn’t he? So new to their ranks and yet so devoted. It was clear to Pyrrhic that the Fallen God had directed Tsarvix to him for a reason. He was hopefully the first of many devotees.

"Tsarvix," he said warmly. "You're early." There was a clatter as Benkos' young wife dropped one of the sticks. She rushed to pick it up, but Pyrrhic stopped her. "This is the place, you can set them all down." She did as instructed and them moved to sit behind Benkos. Pyrrhic's attention returned to Tsarvix.

"I thought we could multitask. We'll have two lessons at once if you are agreeable." He moved to sit in front of Tsarvix and in doing so noted the bone on the ground in front of him. "What have you got there?"

"Pyrrhic" "Benkos"
Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.