
Horizon Expansion



2 Years
05-25-2019, 11:15 AM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2019, 11:16 AM by Seshet.)

Seshet mostly stayed at her lord's sides, basking in the glow of his brilliance and feeling more than a little blessed that not only had she been accepted by her lord but he seemed to embrace her presence. Still, she dared not try and stop his wanderings, his mind needed stimulation and she was but a lowly mortal. So he often left her side and she would awake some mornings to find him gone. Many of those days she spent waiting for him to return but some days she felt the itch to explore, to find and discover new things. She could not let her mind deteriorate if she did she'd lose the right to remain beside her lord.

So today the woman was exploring a nearby land, she had spotted the steam on the horizon a few times as she'd walked near the land but never answered her curious question about it. Until today. The pools of water had fascinated her at first, natural bowls to hold the water. Then she'd discovered the warmth of the pools. That had held her curiosity for some time, she'd searched around at first trying to determine a source. Then she'd slowly remembered the hulking mountain that loomed over this area of the continent. Maybe it was volcanic? It made sense to her that any potential underground lava could heat the pools.

Once her multitude of questions had been answered she had settled next to one of the pools, draping her long legs so that her toes just brushed the surface of the pool, swirling them idly as she basked in the summer sun. Slowly she closed her eyes, tipping her head back to allow the warmth of the sun wash over her face.

"Talk" & Think

Art by DappleFox
[Image: Sdxzho8.png]
Much of Seshet's art shows gold chains, she does not yet have them.